The designing of websites involves the creation of appealing and interactive web pages that are dynamic. This dynamism can be in the form of animations, message pop ups and flashing images. Scripting languages are used to add dynamism to static HTML web pages. JavaScript is a popular scripting language supported across web browsers.

This course offers students the opportunity to design dynamic and engaging websites that will suit organizational needs in today’s world.

Project based learning, objective driven sessions and guided practice gives students the opportunity to be comfortable with the tools and techniques they will be taught.


  • Basic knowledge of computers.
  • Desire to develop web sites and web pages.


Month 1: Introduction to Web Design

Week 1-2: Fundamentals of Web Design

  • Overview of web design principles
  • Understanding the role of web design in user experience
  • Introduction to design tools and software

Week 3-4: HTML and CSS Basics

  • Introduction to HTML markup
  • Basics of CSS for styling
  • Creating simple web pages

Month 2: Intermediate Web Design

Week 5-6: Responsive Web Design

  • Understanding responsive design principles
  • Media queries and flexible layouts
  • Testing and optimizing for various devices

Week 7-8: Introduction to JavaScript

  • Basics of JavaScript programming
  • Interaction and dynamic elements on web pages
  • Incorporating JavaScript into web design

Month 3: Advanced Web Design and Final Project

Week 9-10: Web Design Frameworks

  • Introduction to popular web design frameworks (e.g., Bootstrap)
  • Customizing and implementing frameworks
  • Streamlining the design process

Week 11-12: Final Project and Presentation

  • Applying web design principles to a real-world project
  • Presentation and review of final web design projects
  • Feedback and improvement suggestions

Additional Topics Throughout the Course:

  • Web design trends and best practices
  • Collaboration in web design teams
  • Emerging technologies in web design